Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Challenge of Painting Every Day: #30paintingsin30days

Day 6 painting, completed on Day 8:

I joined the #30paintingsin30days cohort thinking it would both keep me on track and provide a structure for the regular practice I know that I need in order to improve my painting. 

I got to Day 4, very excited that I had kept up, then squeaked in a fifth on Day 9. (!) Here I am at Day 16, now 11 paintings behind. 

I'm not sure how I feel about that; only that I do know I have released myself from the feeling of pressure that was plaguing me somewhere around Day 12. I realized it was preventing me from deciding on a subject that engaged my interest. You can't paint if there's nothing interesting to look at, and the last thing I wanted was to feel that painting is a chore to be checked off each day.

In addition, I went back to work on Day 11 after a 12 week medical leave. Not an excuse, just a detail of life.

So, I've decided to let it go, and am
Congratulating myself for doing so. Why, you ask? Because self-reflection tells me that being able to let it go is a huge step in personal growth! 

New Plan: Each day I'll decide if I have the time or motivation and something I want to paint. I'll continue my practice with a limited palette, and I'll see how it end up on January 30th. One never knows. 

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